Health Education

The second phase of our Corporate Wellness Schemes is targeted Health Education which we make available to the workforce inline with their medical/ health needs as follows:-

  • HR to make a schedule of Health education sessions to be conducted in the premises or venue provided by the organization.
  • Each employee should attend 2 talks and 1 physical activity
  • Each interactive session should be of 1.30 hours approx with maximum of 30 - 50 participants
  • All employees who participated in screening are selected to participate in different sessions based on their specific needs and health status as mentioned in the Group Profile
  • Talks are scheduled daily, weekly, monthly as required covering all the topics

Some of the topics covered are:

  1. Cardiac Risk
    • Who should participate: Employees having high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlidemia, family history of cardiac disease or on Medication for above ailments
    • Benefits to participants: This talk explains the relationship between Hypertension, Diabetes and Hypercholesterolaemia to Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) and Lifestyle Solutions like diet, stress, smoking and physical activity.
  2. Physical Fitness
    • Who should participate: Employees, who are overweight, unfit, having arthritis, spondylolysis, low back pain, muscular problems.
    • Benefits to participants: This interactive and experimental program deals with age and gender related exercises that are easy to do and sustain. Topics include yoga, gym exercises, the benefits of walking, fitness evaluation, the benefits of sports, etc.
  3. Stress Management
    • Who should participate: Employees who have high stress, related to home, work, personality, etc and have psychosomatic ailments.
    • Benefits to participants: Are you stressed? Can you identify the signs and symptoms of stress? Can you judge the real source of your stress? The ultimate impact of all unmanaged stress is on your health. This stress workshop helps take a good look at your stress and coping methods. It also teaches you to harness Stress and make it work for you.
  4. Dependency Management
    • Who should participate: Employees who indulge in habits of smoking, alcohol, tobacco chewing, etc.
    • Benefits to participants: Why do people smoke - Social Behaviour? Peer Group? Availability? Why do people find it difficult to Quit Smoking - Biological or Psychological reasons? This workshop provides an individual and group approach to stop smoking. It addresses why people start, why they find it difficult to stop and steps to quit smoking. Various quit methods and support  from medication, NRT is also discussed.
  5. Rules of Good Health
    • Who should participate: Employee who do not fall into specific category and are healthy.
    • Benefits to participants: An overview of what it takes to remain healthy. Topics covered include diet, exercise, stress, smoking, chronic disease management, etc.
  6. Weight Management
    • Who should participate: Employees who are overweight or obese and have difficulty in general health.
    • Benefits to participants: Participants are trained in managing weight by proper diet, exercise and stress management.
  7. Office Exercise & Relaxation Program
    • Physical Efficiency Program (PEP) is compact exercise program which has Strength/ Stretching/ Stamina components done in 5 - 10 minutes. It is done in workplace, hence also called Workplace Exercise Program.
    • Office Exercise programs are 5 min exercise program done in office.
    • Relaxation and medication is also conducted for emploees to manage stress.


  1. For White Collar
    • Prof. Adrian Kennedy
    • Dr. Savita Date
  2. For Blue Collar
    • Dr. H. S. Wilkhoo
    • Coach Lalith Kumar Adhikari