Health Tip
Health Tip Edition 8
Fat Fighting Foods include the following:
- Low fat yoghurt & Low fat milk
- Hot peppers & spicy food
- Green tea & black coffee
- Grape fruit & citrus fruits
- Berries, grapes & raisins
- Vegetable salads
- Lean meat & fish
- Oat meal
- Popcorn
- Non creamy soups
- Beans, Dhal & Lentils
Keep hydrated:
- If you’re feeling fatigued on a hot day or after a workout due to dehydration, you can get your energy back with a slice of watermelon.
- Watermelon is rich in water and electrolytes that keep dehydration at bay and help keep you active and free from symptoms of fatigue.
- It is rich in fatigue-fighter nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, lycopene, beta-carotene and iron
Stress Management
Food for Sleep:
- Milk & bananas & honey have Tryptophan which aids sleep
- Carbohydrates; cereal, bread, crackers, pasta, help sleep
- A light meal or a snack as opposed to a heavy night time meal aids sleep
- Avoid high fat & fried foods
- Beware of caffeine & coffee, an hour or two before bed
- Some medications prevent sleep, check with your doctor
- Avoid spicy foods
- Avoid steaks & protein; these are hard to digest
- Hydration is good in the day, avoid hydrating at night, it will keep you awake & running to the toilet
Avoid Addictions
Try and Try again:
- It’s very common to have a relapse, many smokers try several times before giving up cigarettes for good.
- Examine the emotions and circumstances that lead to your relapse.
- Use it as an opportunity to reaffirm the commitment to quitting.
- Once a decision is made to try again, set a "quit date" within the next month
Losing weight
- Losing weight is one of the best things you can do to help prevent heart disease.
- Extra pounds affect the lining of your arteries, making them more likely to collect plaque from cholesterol.
- Losing weight, especially belly fat helps raise HDL "good" cholesterol and reduce LDL "bad" cholesterol
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