Health Tip
Health Tip Edition 18
Mood Foods:
- Stress Relievers: Whole grain, rice, potatoes, pasta, noodles - give you a sense of satiety & satisfaction.
- Energy Foods: Oranges, apples, fruits, fish, etc - supply steady energy.
- Smartness: Eggs, milk, prunes - are good foods for the brain.
- Concentration: Apples, grapes, tea, lemons - help you concentrate.
- Sexy Foods: Nuts, Chocolates, Wine, Coffee.
Benefits of Hiking:
- Hiking provides plenty of fresh air, a good view & nice sounds of nature.
- It is a powerful cardio workout. It lowers cholesterol, blood sugar & risk of heart disease, strengthens the bones, improves balance & coordination, and helps control weight.
- It also reduces stress & improves your mood. surroundings.
Stress Managemen
Mid Life Crisis:
- Women approaching 40 & men in their 50's are prone to greater depression.
- Usually the overload of looking after children & in addition caring for aged parents is a stressor.
- The middle ages reduce the body's ability to metabolize food resulting in low absorption of vitamins & minerals leading to fatigue.
- Low testerone levels in men cause depression & loss of interest in sex.
Avoid Addictions
Avoid Opioids (Medication) Dependency:
- Opioids are medication prescribed in pain reduction & Opioid misuse (too much, too frequent) is closely rivalling smoking as a cause of death in USA.
- While older persons on long opoid use, tend to suffer from memory loss & frequent falls; younger patients are more likely to over dose, frequently resulting in death.
- Always ask the following questions when prescribed pain medication:
- Is this medication an Opioid?
- Could I have a non Opioids pain reliever such as (NSAIDS – Non Steroid Anti Inflammatory Drugs) which is not addictive?
- Is this the lowest dose possible?
Good Oil v/s Bad Oil:
- While saturated and Trans fats are roadblocks to a healthy heart, unsaturated fats are essential for good health.
- “Good” fats include Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Fatty fish like salmon, trout, or herring and flaxseed, canola oil, and walnuts all contain polyunsaturated fats that are vital for the body.
- Omega 6 Fatty Acids & Vegetable oils, including soy nuts, and many types of seeds all contain healthy fats.
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