Health Tip
Health Tip Edition 20
Reduce Gassiness:
- Too little fiber & fluids cause constipation & can lead to bloating.
- Don't eat too fast & chew your food properly.
- Chewing Gum, consuming too much alcohol, sugar, artificially sweetened foods & drinks can also lead to bloating. Eat smaller meals more often.
- Beans & leafy vegetables increase abdomen gas.
- Try peppermint tea, ginger & yoghurt for relief.
Green Workout:
- Allow your skin to breath by wearing cotton clothes
- Burn calories not gasoline by walking short distances instead of driving
- Skip the energy drinks during your work out, eat fruit instead
- Exercise at home rather than go to a gym, walking & cycling are good options.
- Gardening, walking the dog, playing with the children are great health enhancers
- Yoga, taichi, free hand exercises are natural body movements
- A weekly massage is good for relaxing the body & the mind.
Stress Management
Overcoming Depression:
- Depression is a prolonged state of sadness or hopelessness.
- Emotional symptoms include loss of interest in life, & an overriding sense of guilt & worthlessness.
- It also promotes thoughts of suicide.
- Remedies include medication prescribed by the Doctor; therapies include light therapy, talk therapy & pet therapy.
- Other remedies include daily exercise; social & group interactions
Avoid Addictions
Benefits of Wine:
- A glass of wine has many benefits when consumed correctly. These include.
- Heart Health: A glass of taken 5 – 6 times a week reduces coronary heart disease by increasing the good blood cholesterol & reducing blood clotting.
- Disease Prevention: Wine regulates diabetes, is protective against cancer, & keeps Alzheimer’s at bay.
- Fever & Common Colds: The antioxidant contained in red wine keeps the common cold at bay in moderate drinkers.
- Weight Loss: The Resveratrol in wine inhibits fat cell formation.
- Mood Enhancer: A glass of wine can be relaxing & reduces stress. Wine significantly reduced depression In addition wine contains moderate levels of melatonin & is beneficial in inducing sound sleep.
Benefits of Anti-Oxidants:
- Tomatoes, Water melon, Pomegranates, Raspberries, straw berries, beetroot, and red onion contain lycopene and anthocyanin.
- These are powerful antioxidants and research has shown that they have numerous health benefits, including helping to reduce the risk of cancer, heart diseases and other chronic conditions.
- Anthocyanin helps control high blood pressure and protect against diabetes.
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