Health Tip
Health Tip Edition 25
Sweet potatoes
- Sweet potatoes have a quarter of a day’s worth of potassium.
- Potassium helps keep electrolytes balanced—which allows us to stay maximally hydrated.
- Another benefit: Potassium helps relax the body and lower blood pressure, so it lessens stress in the body that can create fatigue
Starting Exercise
- Start with small attainable goals. If you want to do a marathon, first train for a 5-10K.
- Mix your program to include running, swimming, gym, yoga & games
- If you are over 35, get your doctor to approve your exercising.
- Before exercising, have a small snack; sandwich, fruit, juices etc.
- Drink water before, during & after exercise.
- Dress for comfort, especially your socks & shoes.
- Consult your trainer for day to day exercises
Stress Management:
Remedies for Snoring
- Preferably sleep on your side, sleeping on your back causes snoring.
- Overweight people snore more than normal weight persons.
- Avoid alcohol prior to sleep.
- Get to bed an early hour to avoid becoming sleepy and drowsy.
- Clear a clogged nose, prior to sleep.
- A dusty room or bed promotes a clogged nose.
- Drink sufficient water, and have at least 8hours sleep daily
Avoid Addictions
Hangover Truths
- Hydrating between drinks is your best antidote.
- To reduce the effect of hangovers, take your drink with water or fruit juice.
- Eat before drinking to prevent hangovers. Popping pills will not reduce a hangover..
- Black coffee, the next morning will not help your headache, only drinking water will. Confusion, vomiting, seizures & slow breathing are a medical emergency.
Reduce stress
- Stress contributes to cardiovascular disease and, if severe, can cause a heart attack or sudden death.
- There are plenty of options that help reduce stress, such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, striving for a good marriage, laughing, volunteering or attending religious services.
- Watching TV generally does not relieve, but can aggravate stress. Also, try to avoid situations and people who make you anxious or angry.
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